Thursday, May 27, 2004

Happy Birthday to me . . .

Today is my birthday. I'm going to tie one on to celebrate. If I post anything later, rest assured it will be done while under the influence of alcoholic beverages - lol. That's my disclaimer in the event I offend anyone (like I really care about that-right?)

Surprise! Bush TV ad lies about Kerry . . .

I hope the wavering voters aren't buying the plethora of lies and misinformation about John Kerry that are being peddled by the Bushistas in their television ad campaign.

Here's the dishonest and inept Bush cartel attempting to label John Kerry as a friend of "tairists" once again. This is similar to their vile smear job of Vietnam war hero Max Cleland in his 2002 Senate race against GOP chickenhawk Saxby Chambliss.

At long last - have they no decency??

Distractions, distractions . . .

Am I the only one to notice that whenever the Bush Mafia get their corrupt asses in a sling over their scandalous behavior, or, new polls come out showing their popularity dropping like a sack of wet mice, something always seems to pop up in the spotlight diverting attention away from this train-wreck of an administration?? Yesterday while President Al Gore was giving a remarkable speech tearing the Bushies an xtra sphincter, imagine who shows up on national television scaring the american people with more vague and ominous warnings about "tairists" hiding around every corner? Yep, the Attorney-Ghoul himself, the Gomez Adams of American law enforcement - - John Asskkkroft. Be prepared for the coming orange alerts as additional unfolding scandals and continually sinking poll numbers send the Bushistas into panic mode. Let's just hope the lemming-like American public doesn't follow these shysters off the cliff of reason and buy into their cynical fear-factor manipulation.