Friday, June 11, 2004

Hmmm . . . Let's Think This One Over . . .

At first glance I was incensed by this article, but after careful and thoughtful consideration, I've decided this might not be such a bad idea after all.

Think of it - - we gather up all the Christian fundamentalist religious whack-jobs in this country, and herd them into the state of South Carolina, which is already sympathetic to their nutball ideology and belief system. We can then seal them off from the rest of the sane-minded citizenry with a 50 foot high, 100 foot wide, steel and concrete wall that's topped off with row upon row of concertina barb wire. Once enclosed the whackos will be free to institute their own little fundamentalist theocratic government and society to their jesus-loving heart's content!!

Meanwhile, the rest of us will be free to enjoy life, enjoy loving, enjoy being humane and kind to eachother, enjoy laughter, enjoy the diversity of eachother's cultures and beliefs, enjoy the beauty of preserving our natural environment and enjoy the rewards of a true democracy.

Hmmm --- I'm beginning to like this idea very, very much . . .


Spawns of Evil . . .

Here's a quartet legacy of the Reagan era which has done nothing but sow the seeds of hatred, bigotry, hypocrisy and anti-democracy across the land. No surprise that they're all firmly affiliated with Republican politics.


The Moonatic Asylum . . .

Here's an interesting article on another Pious fraud and monstrous individual - Sun Myung Moon (the Moonie cult leader). And yes --- exactly what are these politicians doing consorting with this lizardly creep?? Some explanations are surely in order!


Apocalyptic Lunatics Running The Asylum . . . Egads!

Frankly, I'm more frightened of the insane Christian fundamentalists already in this country than all of the Osama Bin Ladens remotely scattered about the globe in remote mountain cave hideouts. The jesus-freaks in this country are gleeful at the prospect of a world-ending Armageddon-like conflict occurring during their lifetime that they may be resurrected to be altar boys at the right-hand side of their vengeful God. (Can someone explain to me the difference between these people and the lunatic Muslims who blow themselves and others up in order to please their god and receive heavenly rewards???)

America had better wake the fuck up and acknowledge the evil that courses through the veins of these pious Christian monsters in our midst -- especially considering they've got one of their own in charge of the world's most deadly nuclear arsenal.

Scary shit man!

Thursday, June 10, 2004

The American Way -- Conservative Style . . .

This is the conservative's vision of a future America. All the more reason to fight these bastards and send them back to the primordial gloop that they oozed from.

1. Expanding the number of misery-laden working poor

2. Rewarding polluters at expense of environment and American people's health

3. Crushing deficits to be paid by average Americans and their children and their children's children

4. Corporate corruption run rampant

5. Taliban-like religious fundamentalism forced upon all

6. A lawless, imperial Presidency devoid of democratic principles

7. A society ignorant of the damage being done to them and others all in their name

OOPS!! We lied again . . . so sorry!

More lies and deception from the Bushistas. This time they're lying to the American people about how effective their policies have been in the war on terror. Reminds me of the old joke -- Q: "how can you a tell when the Bush Administration is lying?" A: "They're lips are moving!"

I don't even think the scumbags care anymore that they keep constantly getting caught lying. It's ingrained in their collective mindset. Of course it sure helps when you know the so-called "librul media" will spend all of about 5 minutes on the subject before moving on to the latest rumor involving Bill Clinton's penis or the latest Al Gore fib.


Reagan: Media Myth vs. Reality

Here's a FAIR accounting of the servile media's hyping of Reagan's popularity. I've no issue with giving Reagan his due, where he's deserving of it, but let's be truthful and point out the man's flaws and shortcomings as well, otherwise the whole affair devolves into nothing more than a sycophantic exercise in historical revisionism.

Top Ten Conservative Idiots . . .

Where do these freaks come from?? They can't be human.

God knows there's a fair number of liberal idiots running around this planet but when you get right down to it the conservatives have got a hammerlock on being the biggest idiots of all.

Here's this weeks list.


Goodbye to "The Gipper" . . . see ya in Purgatory Ron

Forgive me for not getting all choked up and teary-eyed about the passing of former President Ronald Reagan this past week. Of course it's sad when people die. Happens all the time. However, setting aside the personal grief of the Reagan family and close friends, what the fuck is up with the fawning, sycophantic media and their wall-to-wall coverage of this guy's death? CNN demonstrates it's shiny new whore credentials by airing non-stop coverage of Reagan's flag-draped coffin. I swear, every 3 hours I switch the cable channel to CNN and I see the same shot of the same coffin, same camera angle and in the background the same servile pundits waxing rhapsodically (meaning lying their asses off) about the "heroic" and "historic" legacy that Reagan has left America and the world.

I'll let historians debate the overall effectiveness of Reagan's Presidency and his legacy for America. I'm sure there'll be plenty of balance once they do so. Credible and mainstream historians are not noteworthy for lying about their subject matter.

As far as Reagan's legacy for the rest of the world, I've got a tidbit of history for you about Saint Ronnie. It's the bloody legacy and human devastation wrought by his administration's foreign policy in Central America in the 1980's. A shameful stain on any hero's record if ever there was one.

Of course, Reagan supporters will simply shut their eyes, cover their ears and scream "blah, blah blah!" at the tops of their lungs in a vain effort to avoid confronting the truth about one of their cowboy heros, but in the end, the truth is the truth and all of the devout, impassioned denial in the world cannot make it disappear.

Click here to read a little "history" of Reagan which you won't be hearing the knee-pad press talking about on television or on the radio.


Monday, June 07, 2004

Returning to the Scene of the Crime . . .

The Bush Mafia are masters at winning dirty elections. The events down in Florida in 2000 amply demonstrate that. And, like any good crime family, when you've hit on a winning scam, why not return to the scene of your criminal payoff?

Looks like George and Jebbie are putting the necessary framework in place to once again deny the rights of Florida voters (mostly minority Democrats of course) to have their constitutionally guaranteed right to vote count.

To me, the fact that the Republicans allow this kind of sleazy, anti-democratic election rigging to go on, means one thing: they know that they have no inclusive vision for America and therefore the only way they can get their fascist agenda shoved down America's throat is by manipulating factors at the ballot box with the sole intent of disenfranchising those who would vote against them. Thank you GOP!! -- for giving the rest of the Democracy-loving world the impression that America isn't much better than a Third-world country, banana republic.