Thursday, March 24, 2005

The "Pro-Life" crowd --- in reality the hypocritical bullshit crowd . . .

It sickens me to see these "Christian" huckster-dolts kneeling in fervent prayer outside the doors of the hospice that is caring for the medically-diagnosed, brain-dead Terri Schiavo. I would be greatly remiss in my observation of this sad situation if I didn't note that these pious knee-benders do appear to have one trait in common with the object of their ghoulish obsession, Mrs. Schiavo --- absolutely zero brain-wave activity. Zilch. Nada. Such is the state of mind of the manufactured hypocrite.

I would love to interview any one of these shameless, opportunistic bible-thumping zombies and ask them what they think of the plans of their Republican Congress to cut Medicaid funding. Medicaid is America's primary health-care safety net for the poor. It's also, ironically, a program which happens to be picking up part of the tab for Terri Schiavo's hospice care. Discussion about this subject, I damn well guarantee you, would elicit nothing but blank stares from these devout pretenders.

While I had their attention, I'd also ask them where were their voices and prayers last week as their Republican Congress pushed through the ultra-draconian bankruptcy reform legislation. Legislation, which while making it harder for normal citizens (fellow Christians too) who've suffered catastrophic financial loss as a result of a sudden medical crisis or of an unexpected job loss to file bankruptcy, simultaneously opened new loopholes for the wealthy to protect their luxury assets. More blank stares from these sanctimonious meatheads.

Hell, since I'm on a roll why not ask:
  • where were their voices and prayers when their Christian-hero President George W. Bush was lying to the American people about the reasons for sending our young men and women off to kill and die in a phony oil war? And they continue to kill and die needlessly to this day.

  • where were their voices and prayers when it was discovered our military and CIA had been authorized to use inhumane torture methods against captured Afghanis and Iraqis, many innoncently caught up in Bush's incompetently administered " war on terror" -- methods which, until this administration, the United States had concurred with the rest of the world, by being a signatory to the Geneva Convention Treaty, as being unlawful?

  • and of course, I can't wait to hear the forlorn wailing of their Christian voices and prayers, when Bush and his cabal of neo-con, imperial stormtroopers (Cheney, Rice, Rummmy, Wolfowitz and Feith) once again use the pretext of war on terror to invade another sovereign, middle-east nation (Syria, Iran, Jordan, etc.) thus guaranteeing a need to revive the military draft in this country and the need to send more young kids off to kill and die in a foreign land. Only these kids won't be dying in the service to America and traditional American ideals and values, oh no --- they'll be dying to simply and solely appease the greedy and bloodthirsty appetite of the country's mighty military, industrial complex.

Continued blank stares, drooling and a few murmured prayers pleading for their mean-spirited deity to smite my blasphemous, blue-state, liberal-elite ass. Oh yeah!!! This is the "Pro-Life" crowd alright!

Pro-Life MY ASS!!!!


One Mother's Fury . . .

The mother of a soldier who died so that George Bush and Dick Cheney could enrich the Swiss bank accounts of their soulless cronies in the oil and defense industries, gives the goonish Republicans and right-wingnuts a good swift kick in the balls.

We need more citizens speaking out like this brave lady.

Click here.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Welcome to the Schiavo News Network -- We Distort You Deride!!

Since the cable and network "news" (the word "news" anunciated with dripping sarcasm) hucksters are milking the Terri Schiavo story for every ghoulish rating point they can muster, I'm going to keep putting my 2 and a half cents worth of opinion into the shitpile of opinion that's already been expressed on this matter - - so here goes . . .

Today we had the chief spokesperson for the most powerful leader of the most powerful nation in the world, getting on national television and purposely and knowingly lying through his fucking teeth in order to score political points with their partisan fringe idiot supporters. As if Bush and the neo-con right wingers haven't already stained America's reputation abroad with their phony oil war and their hostility towards anything that doesn't line the already stuffed pocketbooks of their crooked, greedy business cronies, we now have them sticking their pious noses into a single family's tragic medical decisions all in a sick, twisted attempt to encourage a few more religious morons to lemming-like march to the polls and pull the lever for them in the next election.

"This is about defending life," said Scott McClellan, the White House press secretary, trying to explain the extraordinary paroxysm of government activity this weekend. A frenzy that saw the generally inert Congress working late into the night and the constantly recreating President Bush cutting short a weekend on his Texas ranch to hurry back to Washington to intervene in the Terri Schiavo case.

If that statement isn't the biggest, lie-filled, steaming-hot pile of horseshit I've ever heard, I don't know what is.

According to a small army of court appointed physicians, who over a 15 year period of time have directly examined Terri Schiavo over and over and over again, this woman's brainstem cortex is nothing more than a few tablespoons of gelatinous goop and the absolute fact of the matter, sad and tragic as it may be, is that she is brain dead and completely oblivous to any form of external stimuli.

Oh sure, I've heard about the pathetic video her well-meaning but desperately misguided parents have been shopping around to the GOP politicians and the right-wing religious whackos -- yes whackos -- and rightly stated since the parents have enlisted as a family spokesperson, the insane, democracy hating Christian Nazi and rabid anti-abortion terrorist, Randall Terry. The family claims the video shows Terri Schiavo responding to conversation, verbal commands, visual stimuli, etc. The Republican Judge, George Greer, who also saw the video, in it's entirety, noted that not only did Terri not respond directly to the verbal and visual stimuli but that she "REPEATEDLY", to multiple attempts, displayed no reaction whatsoever to the stimuli for nearly an hour of taping! Why would this Republican judge lie??

Aside from the fact that Bush and the GOP fascists have trampled all over the state courts and state rights and the individual rights of Michael and Terri Schiavo, they've also made a complete fucking mockery of the Constitution and rule of law. Just seeing that sleazy, demonic snake-oil salesman Tom DeLay on television deceitfully pontificating about the reasons for his party's forceful intrusion into this private family matter makes me ill and makes me truly wonder whether or not my fellow citizens understand the danger of allowing these bloviating, self-righteous, self-serving political miscreants and their gaggle of mealy-mouthed, sanctimonious groupies to get away with shitting on the Constitution and abusing the legislative power "We The People" have entrusted to them.

If these people can, at the midnight hour, when most politicians are out of town, convene a small group of conniving, dishonest and fascist whore politicians to enact legislative laws directed at a single individual . . . . - - - well, if you can't see the obvious danger in that scenario, then perhaps you don't deserve to live in a democracy. You'd most likely be happier living under the old Soviet Union style of government -- one that controls every aspect of your life . . . . and death.

Pull your heads out of your asses America --- this group of Nazis running the country today ain't your Daddy's Republicans . . . . . ohhhh no they ain't . . . .
