Thursday, April 28, 2005

American Fascism Watch: Chronicling the activities of Democracy's Enemies...

It's only fitting that my previous post on the rise of Fascism in America be followed up by a story that vindicates precisely that point.

An Alabama Lawmaker (my liberal soul shudders just seeing those 2 words side by side) has introduced legislation in his state to -- get this -- ban any books written by or about gays. If frightening thoughts of book-burnings and witch-trials immediately seeped into your consciousness upon reading that, consider yourself a normal, thinking human being.

In addition to those fearful thoughts, I am reminded of the famous, albeit seemingly forgotten, words of the Rev. Martin Niemoller written at the height of the Nazi reign of terror in 1945 Germany:

"First they came for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Communist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Jew.

Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up, because I was a Protestant.

Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak up for me."

The "they" of course refers to the fascist Nazis and their evil program to purge German society of "impure" humans --- basically anyone that didn't think, act, believe, look, walk or talk like themselves.

At the rate the fundamentalist right-wing is consolidating power and media control in America these days, I honestly believe that it's just a matter of time before Rev. Niemoller's words will tragically be recast thusly:

"First they came for the Gays, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Gay.

Then they came for the Immigrants, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t an immigrant.

Then they came for the Atheists, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn't an Atheist.

Then they came for the debtor poor, and I didn't speak up, because I was fairly comfortable in my middle-class job and lifestyle.

Then they came for the liberals, and I didn't speak up, because I wasn't courageous enough to publicly admit I was a liberal.

Then they came to shut down what remained of the Independent media, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't courageous enough to admit I was a consumer and supporter of Independent media.

Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak up for me."

Americans had better start choosing sides pretty damn quickly here.

I sincerely believe it's the expressed intent of these Democracy hating right-wing theocracy nuts to incite a civil war in this country.

They've already laid the groundwork for a calamitous world-wide religious war with their brutish activities in Iraq and Afghanistan, all the while with their war-mongering eyes cast towards Iran and other sovereign mid-east nations.

In the deluded minds of these fundamentalist theocrats, America and the world needs to be destroyed so that they can realize their psychotic, heinous biblical vision of Armageddon, which allows only the true believers (themselves) all to serenely float up into the sky and become holy tchochtkes of their vainglorious, vindictive God. The rest of humanity subsequently gets the torture treatment from their kindly, loving, forgiving deity.

This all starts with whipping the non-thinking people of this country into a super-patriotic, us-against-the world lather. Once their planted seeds of fascism have germinated and began to sprout and they eventually take control of the powers of government the military and the media, what do you think they intend to do with that power??

Think about it. Choose sides. Hope and pray enough of us choose the right side.


Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Fascism ---- Red, White and Blue Style . . . .

I think it's time we progressives all stop playing word games when it comes to describing the current outburst of right-wing goonery in this country. There's a word for what's going on and it's been around quite a very long time.

Fascism. Yup. Where's the rule that says America could never become a fascist state??

Take a look at this thoughtful review describing what the core elements of fascism are and comparing them to historical fascist regimes and then tell me this country isn't in this state right now, here, today.

Scary shit.

---- krazee

More DeLay puke --- It's good to be the king!!!

Yet another story highlighting the absolutely amazing hypocrisy and sleaziness of Republican Majority Leader Tom DeLay.

On one hand he's a foaming-at-the-mouth Fidel Castro and Cuba hater who preaches the evils of anyone doing business with the tiny socialist country, but it sure don't stop him from enjoying the luxury of their expensive hand-rolled Cuban cigars.

DeLay's Schiavo shenanigans really showed what a phony prick he is ---- this story simply underscores that truth.


Disgusting Republican Pigs!!! Tom DeLay is King Oinker!!

Remember a few years ago the story of Bill Clinton sitting in Air Force one on the tarmac at Los Angeles International airport holding up air traffic for 45 minutes while getting a $200 haircut from a famed Hollywood hair stylist???

Remember that story?? Remember how Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and the rest of the right-wing ditto-monkeys jerked themself off into a stratospheric level of foaming at the mouth hate and bile over this story??

Never mind that it was pure fiction embellished by right-wing gasbag liars to whip up the red-state sheep and keep their brain-dead followers giddy with venomous glee.

Now we have the documented evidence (that's actual physical evidence for you idiot ditto-monkeys) that Tom DeLay and his wife spent nearly $800 a day just in meals while on one of their Jack Abramoff (sleazy criminal lobbyist) paid for junkets to London.

Can you imagine the wall-to-wall coverage on Fox Whore News and MSGOP and Limbaugh and Hannity and in all the rest of the wing nut media if this story instead had been about either of the Clintons or Al Gore or John Kerry??

These are the same people who shed rivers of tears at the thought of pulling the feeding tube out of poor Teri Schiavo's brain-dead body. The same people cutting social benefits, including food assistance to the least off in our society, the same people denying the working poor even so much as a modest raise in the minimum wage in order to help them feed their children in an age of higher prices, the same people who passed bankruptcy legislation forcing Americans who've been financially devastated by medical or job-loss crises's to choose between food for their familys and paying off obscenely greedy credit card debtors.

The hypocrisy stench about this story is so overwhelming here, It's hard for me to even write about it.

If these are the "moral values" that the Republicans and the red-state bible-thumpers believe so dearly in ---- keep them the fuck away from me. I want nothing to do with such evil.

As for Tom "I am the federal government" DeLay ---- his days as Republican mafia capo ought to be numbered. If the people of this country had any goddamn sense of right and reason, this man and all of his cronies would be rotting in a prison cell until they die, and then have their flea-ridden, decrepit carcasses tossed into the nearest dumpster like the garbage they are.
