Monday, May 01, 2006

What comes around goes around ... GOP comeuppance time ...?

Ok -- so our anesthetized mainstream media eunuchs yawn at stories like the following:

  • The Downing Street memos which offer substantive proof that Bush lied to Congress and America when he claimed to be pursuing a diplomatic solution to Saddam Hussein and Iraq when in fact the decision had already been laid in stone for going to war, thus diverting attention and incalcuably valuable attention and resources away from the efforts to track down and destroy Osama Bin Ladena and his murderous Al Qaida network.

  • The unprecedented breadth and scope of Bush's NSA domestic surveillance (spying) program which pissed all over established law and the FISA court which was setup specifically because of intelligence abuses by Bush's GOP predecessor Richard Nixon in the 1970's.

  • And of course who can forget the mean-spirited and most assuredly treasonous outing of CIA WMD analyst Valerie Plame Wilson, who's husband, former Ambassador to Iraq under poppy Bush41, dared question the then and now completely discredited claims that Saddam Hussein was attempting to purchase uranium yellow-cake from the African nation of Niger?

Ho-hum! Booooooring! Zzz -- snore! . . . that pretty much sums up the reaction of the U.S. press to these stories, which any single one of them, in a reality-based universe, would quite likely lead to immediate impeachment proceedings against Bush and Cheney followed by lengthy prison terms.

But lo and behold -- slowly bubbling to the surface, primarily for the moment on internet news and blog sites, is a story our Rupert Murdochized, Foxified, sleaze loving media could really sink their chops into ---- and if you geniusly guessed [s-e-x] as being the simmering catalyst at the center of this potential bomb-shell story you get a cheap, cuddly, Made-in-Taiwan door prize.

The recent conviction and prison sentencing of uber-corrupt, hypocritical, sleazy California Republican Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham for bribery has opened up a Pandora's box of possible sexual shenanigans by Capitol Hill Republicans which, from initial reports, albeit unverified reports, make Bill Clinton's hide-the-salami exploits with Monica Lewinsky look tamer than your standard teenage sexual hijinks.

Ooohhhhh ---- the karma fairy couldn't be so good as to give us a good-old-fashioned GOP/trading influence for government contracts/and prostitutes scandal could it??? Could lady luck finally be turning her attention to those of us in the political wilderness who've been fervently praying to the Gods that be to deliver a non-spinnable sucker punch to the flabby gut of the Republican power establishment?? Would it? Could it? Can it be gloriously true??? Lest I get myself prematurely worked up into a quivering mass of gelatinous glee, I'll stave off my pent up desire to let loose with a screaming-banshee barrage of maniacal laughter until I actually start seeing some big news outlets trying to out-whore eachother by plastering these stories all over the front pages of their decrepit rags.

But if this story is true, you know goddamn well that our Enquirized media will not be able to resist their modern day, rat-fucking yellow journalism tendencies to rip into this story like a starved lion ripping into a freshly butchered side of beef carcass. So -- keep your eyes and ears open sportsfans -- justice, that of the All-American, fiendish-sex style, could be just around the corner for George W. Bush and the treachorous, "GOP family-values" squawking, bible-thumping Republican party.

Click on the following links for the judiciously and delightfully delectable details of this emerging story:





and Here.
