Saturday, October 11, 2008

Palin's Alaska Abuse of Power . . . Proving Her GOP Credentials It Seems . . .

In the wake of yesterday's report released by the Alaska Legislative Council, which found that Sarah Palin had violated state ethics laws and abused her power by trying to have her former brother-in-law fired as a state trooper, the McCainiacs and the Palinbots are spinning their wheels furiously today in a vain attempt to paint the investigation as a political (partisan) witch hunt.

To the McCain/Palin brain-dead followers, no doubt that argument will resonate profoundly -- although it's not entirely unexpected from people who've hypnotized themselves into believing that Barack Obama is a stealth Muslim terrorist.

Therefore it goes without saying that the McCain/Palin campaign knows they can count on their zombies to blame the media and the evil Liberals (Democrats) for this report and so they are all too happy to oblige them with statements like this one from a McCain spokesman:

"I think the American people can tell the difference between the results of a politically motivated investigation and a legitimate finding of fact," campaign spokesman Taylor Griffin said.

But facts are pesky things folks - and there are a few facts which completely shred the ridiculous partisan accusations -- not unlike the way the buckshot from Dick Cheney's birdgun shredded his shooting buddy's face in the infamous Elmer Fudd "hunting" incident.

Anyhow -- the facts I'm referring to are these:

1. The Alaska Legislative Council opened this probe in June of this year - a full 4 months before McCain tapped Sarah Palin to be his VP running mate and before anyone even knew who the hell she was. Palin at that time agreed to cooperate fully with the probe. However, once she became McCain's VP pick, they began stonewalling the investigation, all to no avail though as the Alaska Judicial system turned down all of their pleas to quash the probe and report.

2. The Alaska Legislative Council is made up of 12 members from the Alaska House and Senate. 10 of those members are Republicans. 2 are Democrats.

3. The report released yesterday was done so unanimously by the Council on a 12-0 vote.

So - in essence -- if you are of the belief, as the McCain/Palin people want you to be, that this investigation was an evil partisan Democrat exercise, you must be willing to concede then, that the 10 Republican lawmakers on the Council are all either traitors to their party or all have some unknown personal grudge against Sarah Palin. And that's what it boils down to -- believing in the unbelievable.

Frankly, I'm sick and fucking tired --- tired! of the no-accountability-ever people who permeate the ranks of the Republican party. And they wonder why they are staring straight into the barrel of an electoral drubbing cannon come November.

Maybe instead of blaming the media and liberals for this Palin debacle, you all ought to blame the real villains --- the right-wing, fundamentalist nutjobs who convinced McCain and his people that picking a no-name, inexperienced, not very bright, fundamentalist christian tool (who happened also to be a woman) as a running mate was a marvelous idea.

But that would bring us back full circle to the accountability issue then wouldn't it? And god knows we can't have the Republicans and conservatives show weakness by actually accepting accountability for their own actions now can we? C'est la vie.


Friday, October 10, 2008

Willie Sings the Truth . . .

A couple of Friday music clips from my favorite tokin' cowboy hippie.



They Don't Call Them the Rabid Right For Nothing . . .

A Baltimore Sun columnist and former McCain supporter has had his fill of the recent McCain/Palin hate-fests disguised as political rallies and he has some choice words for the Maverick and his pit bull.


Fox News -- GOP Zombie HQ . . .

I tune in occasionally to Fox News, if for anything, just to keep current on the latest lies and smears they have going on. Truth be told though, a 5-minute Fox watching session is a journey into darkness which slaughters more of my brain cells en-masse than any tequila bender ever could. Therefore I am very careful to limit my intake of that toxic poison (Fox, not tequila) with the utmost concern for my mental health.

Jon Stewart knows what I'm talking about and describes it in this clip.


Plowing Thru the Right-Wing Bullshit

The man who lead the prosecution to put William Ayers' and his old radical 60's/70's group The Weathermen in prison says the GOP attempts to directly link Obama to Ayers and his anti-establishment activities of 40 years ago is a big steaming, putrid pile of bullshit.

And the coup de grace of the whole sordid smear mission is that it turns out that the reason the prosecution of Ayers and The Weathermen failed was "because of illegal activities, including wiretaps, break-ins and mail interceptions, initiated by John N. Mitchell, attorney general at that time, and W. Mark Felt, an F.B.I. assistant director." In other words -- Tricky Dick Nixon's Republican dirty tricks squad ruined it.

Of course, facts are not something McCain/Palin and their bug-eyed zombie followers care a whit for, so don't expect any change in strategy in their campaigning. They will continue to stir up their goose-stepping rubes, sowing them with unfounded fear with the hoary tale of Obama's terrorist "pal." And they do so very simply because they are shameless liars and desperate whores whose lust for power is insatiable and amidst the throes of their lusting -- the truth be god-damned.


Parade of Ugly Americans . . .

While the very extreme fringes of the left have their idiot nutcases who entirely deserve to be ignored and marginalized, the fact of the matter is they have very little influence much less operational control over the mainstream progressive/liberal movement.

On the other hand, the brain-dead fascists and the lunatics shown in this video clip comprise the heart and soul of your modern day Republican party. They are the so-called "base" of the GOP.

These people remind me of the hell-rejected zombies in George Romero's landmark horror movie Dawn of The Dead --- lifeless, dead souls, aimlessly and bitterly wandering America's landscapes, desperately searching for some normal human being who has yet to succumb to the evil to attack and rip apart and devour. They really are some sad, pathetic, ignorant sons of bitches and I, for better or worse, cannot bring myself to feel any empathy with or for them. Once again as mentioned in a previous post, I can only feel shame knowing that these individuals claim to represent this great country of ours while simultaneously claiming sole ownership of the act of national patriotism.

In reality, they are, to put it bluntly, the mirror opposite of all that is good about America and it's citizens and they need to be told so by everyone who values concepts like fairness, honesty, civility, freedom of expression, constitutional law, compassion (not the conservative kind), and respect for all human life -- not just the "Murrikan" kind.


Thursday, October 09, 2008

Don't Let The Bastards Get You Down . . .

I've never been a huge fan of Kris Kristofferson's music - probably more of a fan of his acting outings to be honest. But there have been a few songs he's done over the years that I've liked. Here's one that is an apt metaphor for the dreadful times we are living in.

Dedicated to any and all who aren't afraid to speak up and publicly voice their opinions -- and to question authority -- even while being labled a traitor and a terrorist lover and an America hater. The accusers fear the truth. It's the one weapon they have no defense for. Stand firm, stand together -- and fight back.


GOP - Grand Old Prevaricators

William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!
William Ayers!/Terrorist!/Hussein Obama!

There you have it folks. Those are the answers that the GOP, McCain and Palin have to give to the American people who are asking serious questions about the serious issues facing the country and each and every one of us. They have nothing else. They are vision-less losers. And anyone who hitches their caboose to that out-of-steam, broken down old locomotive of bankrupt ideology and politics is a loser too.

Even the GOP ass-kissing mainstream media, as evidenced in this video clip, is getting sick of their childish act (about goddamn time too.)

And that my friends is a reality-based-community observation you can believe in.


Who Left The Doors Unlocked to The Insane Asylum?

If ever there existed video-taped proof that the remaining 20% of the rabidly insane Bush supporters have morphed overnight into zombie robot soldiers from Hell for Sarah Palin -- this video clip is it.

I actually had to force myself to watch this dreck three times before I could get myself to comprehend the totality of the idiocy in all of it's glorious pervertedness. It made me want to take a scalding hot shower and have a couple of stiff drinks afterward.

I've been saying it for years -- to the sighing and eye-rolling of my detractors -- that the so-called "core" of the Republican party are neither true conservatives or true Republicans nor, dare say I, true Americans. They are mindless, end-times worshipping, racist, Democracy loathing fuckheads who if transported back in time would have prospered nicely under fascist regimes like those of 1930's Germany and Mussolini's Italy. They don't care about facts, they don't care about fairness, they don't care about educating themselves in any way, shape or form in order to understand the world beyond their picket white fences or to exercise sound judgement about any issue that impacts all of us. Their worldview is the fundamentalist Christian mirror image of the equally vile Islamic extremists whom they believe are ready to invade our shores any day now to conquer and convert us. They are pathetic.

I'm truly ashamed to call these people my fellow Americans.


Suppress The Vote '08! Election Thuggery In Full Swing . . .

A friend of mine is of the belief that I'm in the gloating or crowing stage over an imminent Obama victory.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. The reason being is I am fully cognizant of the GOP's very successful abilities for electoral tampering and voter suppression. We saw evidence of it in 2000 in Florida against Gore as well as in 2004 in Ohio against Kerry.

Every exit poll in Ohio in 2004 showed Kerry wining by 5-7% and he actually ends up losing by that same amount. Exit polling has been used for decades and has been a very reliable indicator of the final outcomes of state and national elections. What happened in Ohio in 2004 was more than just a once in a lifetime anomaly -- it was downright suspicious.

Anyhow, now we hear of some quite possibly illegal voter purge activity taking place in several battleground states just a few weeks before this year's historically important election. The NYT report states that "voters appear to have been purged by mistake and not because of any intentional violations by election officials or coordinated efforts by any party." Gee -- where have I heard that lame denial before? I'd be willing to wager a month's pay that the vast majority of the voters purged were minority and/or Democrat. Any takers on that bet??

Anyhow, the bottom line is, I will not be gloating or crowing about anything until the morning of Nov. 5th when I read with my own two eyes those headlines blaring -- "Obama/Biden In Landslide Victory!!"


Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Sarah and Todd -- "Palling-Around" with Terrorists?

Olbermann lays the smack-down on Sarah Plain and Dumb. And yes, I do want to know more about the Palins' association with the America-hating secessionist group (AIP) in Alaska. It's a relationship that's a helluva lot more recent and tangible than Obama's fleeting association with former 60's radical William Ayers on a couple of Chicago charitable foundation boards. It's so fucking laughable to hear the right-wingers pooh-pooh Palin's radical right ties -- more than anything it really highlights their absurd hypocrisy when it comes to this vile guilt-by-association game which they so love to play.

Ahh yes -- so many lies to tell and so few pre-election days to tell them in. I've no doubt Palin/McCain will certainly do their best to cram as many personal smears and lies that they possibly can into this short window of time in their overtly desperate attempt to catapult their pathetic ticket to White House victory.


Sunday, October 05, 2008