Thursday, April 30, 2009

If Irony Were a Sledge Hammer . . .

George W. Bush's daddy was interviewed by some USA Today reporter this week and one of the questions asked of him was his opinion of Obama.

Mr. Thousand Points of Light responded thusly:

On President Obama:
“Right now Obama’s getting a pretty good ride, don’t you think, in the media?” Asked if the coverage of Obama is fair, he said, “Nice try.”

Gee #41, I realize at your age the memory starts to falter, your staring your own mortality in the maw, Babs ain't the lay she used to be, or, maybe you're just pissed and bitter that you couldn't have carpet-bombed a few more third-world countries with brown people in them in the loyal service of your oil industry and military industrial complex masters. Then again, maybe you're just a heartless, soulless, cranky old prick who's just an all-around rotten human being, but truly pops, did it ever occur to you that there are just simply some very basic and legitimate reasons the media has yet to sink it's greasy, bloodthirsty claws into Obama's hide?

Here -- I'll help you --- first -- he's only been in office 100 days. More importantly though, unlike your colossally incompetent, dim-witted son:

> Obama has yet to allow a major terrorist attack on the country on his watch

> Obama has yet to sit by on his ass doing nothing while watching a major American city drown

> Obama has yet to fill critical cabinet and government posts with rich campaign donors and family (oil industry) cronies

> Obama has yet to lie America into a catastrophic, idiotic war of choice

> Obama has yet to trash America's image around the world by endorsing state sponsored torture of prisoners

> Obama has yet to alienate long-standing allies and increase the global level of hatred of America by opposing all efforts to limit the impact of global climate change

> Obama has yet to allow some of his personal hacks to out and destroy the career of a valued CIA asset solely for political revenge

> Obama has yet to politicize with hacks and friends what should be the least political entity within the government, the Justice Department

> Obama has yet to employ warrantless wiretapping and spying on a mass scale of all American's private phone, mail and e-mail communications

> Obama has yet to preside over the wholesale deregulation of the finance industry, allowing greedy Wall Street hucksters to sell America down the river and financially ruin the nation

> Obama has yet to repress sound science as it relates to public welfare and social policies in favor of superstitious "faith based" religious pandering that has done incalculable damage to America's spiritual and social fabric

> Obama has yet to fuck up the entire world

So Poppy Bush -- do America and humanity a favor -- take your oil industry earnings and your entire dysfunctional, criminal family and your treasonous groupies, cronies, leeches, etc. -- and go buy yourselves a little island somewhere where you can all rat-fuck each other for eternity -- and leave the rest of us the fuck alone to get on with the important business of restoring America's prestige and honor in the world!


Lies and the Lying Liars . . . Fox News - Your One-stop Shop for all the Lies That are Fit to be Told

Fox News and it's All-Star lineup of repugnant right-wing goons is the gift that keeps on giving to Democrats and liberals.

There isn't a day that goes by where you can switch on the Fox News channel and not hear one of their low-brow, Murdoch piss bucket boy hacks spewing lies about their political and ideological opponents. Yes I said it - lying. I'm no longer going to use the words mislead or misleading to define what it is the freaks on Fox do for a living. It's lying -- telling lies -- and they do it a lot and they do it well.

Glenn Beck, the self anointed pied-piper of the tea-bagger brigades was on the air other night (video below) regaling (oops there I go again), ummm, lying his lying ass off about the Air Force One flyover photo op that scared the beejeesus out of some New Yorkers earlier this week. To hear Beck tell it, you'd think President Obama got bored sitting around the Oval Office twiddling his thumbs so he himself ordered up the flight and was personally at the cockpit controls, laughing maniacally, as the big plane lumbered past the Manhattan skyline escorted by a couple of Air Force fighter jets. I even waited with abated breath to hear Beck exclaim that Michael Moore and Sean Penn were in the passenger seats of the escorting F-16's for a Hollywood ride-along -- but I suppose even congenital liars like Beck employ a certain measure of constraint of their craft (lying) on occasion.

Ultimately though, and as I've noted in a multitude of previous blog posts, this video is just another volume in the ever growing library of documented proof of how Fox News employs lies and professional liars to advance and promote the conservative agenda. It's getting to the point where it's not even hip any more to highlight the constant stream of lies emanating from the Fox lie machine. I'm thoroughly convinced that the only people still being fooled by Murdoch and his minions are the 19% Bush lovers along with your average, gun waving, flag waving, bible thumping conservative rube, indistinguishable as they are.

Oh well, as painful as it is, I'll continue to watch Fox and document their atrocities against the truth. If anything to save those of you with weaker stomachs from having to endure the nausea inducing task yourselves.


**UPDATE: In this video not only does Glenn Beck have a major problem with the truth as it relates to the unfortunate Manhattan flyby incident, but he also re-peddles the previously debunked right-wing myth (er, lie) that Sarah Palin "winged" her Republican National Convention speech after her teleprompter broke in mid-speech. And with that my friends, I give you the classic definition of the term "congenital liar."

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

GOP Staring Into The Abyss of Permanent Minority Party Status . . .

With the defection of perennial Pennsylvania Republican Senator Arlen Specter into the Democratic ranks and with moderate GOP Maine Senator Olympia Snowe actively sounding the warning bells (see video in this post) to the RNC poobahs about the imminent immolation of the Republican party, all I can say is --- I fucking told you so.

I've been saying it for 5 years -- and my conservative friends & detractors know it. What I've been saying to anyone who would listen is that the GOP hierarchy and party infrastructure has been hijacked, lock, stock and barrel, by a narrow-minded, predominantly white, predominantly southern and predominantly hard-core Christian base which has painstakingly done everything in it's power to alienate moderate, sane Republicans and independents within their own party and in the process of doing so hand political power over to the more inclusive Democrats on a silver platter.

The fact that Olympia Snowe is finally coming out and stating as much in a major media venue that which has been obvious to even amateur political watchers such as myself for several years is a significant event.

I'm not gloating about this (too much anyway) -- I'm firmly of the belief that we need a strong opposition party to the Democrats (don't confuse strong with psychotic) if anything to keep the lefty loons (yes - there are some) from having too much influence over the party and their policy making. Fortunately for the Dems, they haven't allowed the more insane elements of their liberal base to overtake the party apparatus, which is in a nutshell what the GOP has done.

Basically what needs to happen is the traditional conservative Republicans need to serve divorce papers to the hateful right wing crowd. Tell Hannity, Limpballs, O'Reilly, Beck, Coulter, Savage and all the rest of those loathsome assholes to fuck off. Sure, it'll be messy, painful and not without some serious bloodletting, but in the end if the GOP and traditional conservatism is to survive, they have to do this. Let the wingnuts start their own 3rd political party --- see how quickly they become marginalized just like other reactionary political groups have been.

The world is changing and the wingnuts are wanting to recreate American life as they perceive it was in the Leave It To Beaver 1950's. Most of sane America (fortunately still a majority) has moved or is moving forward. The rest of the world is moving forward. The only fools still obstinately standing still and trying to impede human progress are the howling right-wing chest beaters. Leave 'em behind I say! Perhaps a decade or so of entrenched irrelevancy will wake them up to the reality of their situation.
