Saturday, July 11, 2009

Gee -- what a shock . . . NOT!!!!!

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Bush administration built an unprecedented surveillance operation to pull in mountains of information far beyond the warrantless wiretapping previously acknowledged, a team of federal inspectors general reported Friday, questioning the legal basis for the effort but shielding almost all details on grounds they're still too secret to reveal.

The report, compiled by five inspectors general, refers to "unprecedented collection activities" by U.S. intelligence agencies under an executive order signed by President George W. Bush after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.

Does this really comes as a surprise to anyone? I mean - come the fuck on. A great many voices, and not just on the left, were raising concerns about the Bush/Cheney zeal to milk the American people's fears and anger and the media's and politician's cowardice after 9/11 in order to expand executive branch powers and also ram through some of the most unconstitutional "national security" policies in this nation's history.

For this story to just now be getting some "mainstream" press attention indicates quite clearly the depths of incompetency and and dereliction of duty of America's 4th estate press and an abdication of responsibility by the civilian government - Congress and the Senate to uphold the rule of constitutional law.

And on the heels of this sobering revelation comes the story yesterday that Dick "Halliburton" Cheney ordered the CIA to withhold information about a secret counter-terrorism program from Congress in full defiance of the law which requires full disclosure of such operations to Congress.

Conservatives will pooh-pooh it and say - "Bush and Cheney were simply doing what needed to be done to protect America." Of course they bluntly refuse to consider the fact that they were out and out breaking laws in doing so and that if Obama or any other Democratic President were to do something similar they'd be calling for immediate investigations and impeachment proceedings.

What appears to be the undeniable truth is -- conservatives are of the view that lying about blowjobs is a crime that is much more of a threat to the Republic than actions and deeds which clearly undermine the rule of law and constitutional principles. And it's why conservatives simply fucking suck and why it's one of my missions in life to point out the reality of that fact to people as much as I can.


Focus on "The Family" . . .

"The Family" is a shadowy religious group for a reason. For what takes place in the shadows? Deceit, corruption, lies, subterfuge, hypocrisy, --- crimes?

Is it any wonder then that this shadowy organization has spawned the most recent crop of right wing frauds and hypocrites such as South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, Nevada Sen. John Ensign, and Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn?

You know -- I've really, really tried to maintain a limited amount of respect for religious conservatives over the years (Republicans or Democrats), but I gotta tell ya -- the more I learn about them and the more I see how their deeds and actions are willfully designed to serve nobody but themselves and their like-minded groupies, the more I despise them and the more I want to see them all exposed for the dangerous, anti-American, anti-freedom & liberty bastards that they are.

NPR* has a more in-depth expose' of these creeps in an article on their site. Just click this link for the article ------> LINK TO NPR ARTICLE

*P.S. - don't bother to comment about the fact that the NPR article highlights Hillary Clinton's seeming coziness with this group. Because I'll tell you right now, if it is the case she can go to hell too.


Friday, July 10, 2009

Premature award ceremony -- my bad . . .

Well imagine that! "Quality health care at an affordable price is gonna kill people!"

Just read that back to yourself about 3 or 4 times:

"Quality health care at an affordable price is gonna kill people!"
"Quality health care at an affordable price is gonna kill people!"
"Quality health care at an affordable price is gonna kill people!"
"Quality health care at an affordable price is gonna kill people!"

I take back my earlier post bestowing the crown of Stupidest GOP Fucker of the Month to Sen. Jim DeMint and instead hand it over to GOP Rep. Paul Broun of Georgia -- warily acknowledging of course that it's only the 10th day of the month and the GOP, by all measurable accounts, seems to have a limitless supply of prolifically stupid asswipes. LOL!


Friday M-Vloggin' with Sammy Johns - Chevy Van

Ahhh -- to be a young hormonally raging teenager again, fantasizing about getting out of high school, buying a Chevy Van with a waterbed and top to bottom carpeting in the back, full stereo system and cruising the beaches of beautiful sunny California, picking up gorgeous, sun-tanned, hitchhiking blondes and taking them for a ride in my Chevy Van. Lol. Hey - I'm getting old, let me enjoy in peace the one thing that's still all mine -- my imagination.


The party of God-Fearing Family Values . . .

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The story of Sen. John Ensign's affair with a former staffer took a new twist Thursday with the revelation by Ensign that his parents gave the woman's family $96,000 as a gift.

A statement released on Ensign's behalf by his lawyer, Paul Coggins, said a check totaling $96,000 from both of Ensign's parents was given to Cindy Hampton, her husband, Doug, and two of their children in April 2008. It described the money as two separate gifts to each family member.

"Each gift was limited to $12,000," the statement said. "The payments were made as gifts, accepted as gifts and complied with tax rules governing gifts."

Under U.S. tax laws, gifts of up to $12,000 are tax-exempt.

Hmmm -- so let me get this straight -- Ensign is a 51 year old United States Senator. He's a devout hard-line Christian. He gets in a little hot water so he does what any 51 year old, mature Christian Senator does - he calls up mummy and doddy to put a band-aid on his boo boo and make the ouchy go away. IMFAO!

Oh to have been a fly on the wall for that conversation! My fertile imagination thinks it may have gone something like this:

Sen. Ensign: Hey pops -- how's it goin? Some hot weather we're having here huh? Say pops - I'm callin ya cuz I need some help.

Pops Ensign: Oh yeah sonny? What'd you do now - get pinched for toilet papering your high school principal's yard again? I told you to forget about that detention session he put you in back in 1975. Ain't good to hold a grudge over silly stuff like that son.

Sen. Ensign: Uh no pops - nothin like that. You see - it's like this - (voice starts quivering) .... oh pops! I'm so sorry! I really, really am!! You know that cute little brunette Cindy Hampton that was on my staff - the one with the nice round ass and big hooters? I been banging the shit out of her for months! Bwaaaaaaaaah - - I'm so sorry daddy! So sorry.....Bwaaaaah!

Pops Ensign: Calm down boy!! So what's wrong with that. You're a goddamn Republican! You're expected to be a sexually repressed, two-faced hypocrite! As long as nobody knows about it - just promote her and transfer her out to a field office and it's a done deal. If she says anything, we'll smear the hell out of her and paint her as a whore and a family wrecking seductress. We Republicans do it all the time and get away with it - you know that!

Sen. Ensign: I know daddy, but it's a bit more complicated than that -- you see, she's married -- to another staffer of mine - Doug Hampton. And Doug went and sent a letter to Fox News -- to that hot little blonde Megyn Kelly, boy I'd like to romper in her room. He snitched on me daddy and told them all about the whole mess! And so I got mad and I fired both of 'em and now Dougy and his whore wife are threatening me with lawyers and stuff. Oh daddy!!! What'll I do?? (whimpering)

Pops Ensign: Goddamn it sonny -- if I told ya once I told ya a million times - If you're gonna get some side nookie, make sure she's nobody you know, unmarried, and always, always warn them beforehand that if they open their mouths, you'll use your power as United States Senator and your reputation in the community as a fine upstanding Christian businessman to destroy them! You didn't listen to me did ya boy? Damn kids these days.

Sen. Ensign: I'm sorry pops - I know I blew it. But this babe was something special - (sighs) this girl could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch.

Pops Ensign: Well (chuckling) -- I gotta admit sonny - you're old man was always a sucker for a woman with those kinda special career skills too so I might as well forgive ya. So what do you want me to do about this?

Sen. Ensign: Well daddy (excited voice), I was thinkin' ya see -- since you're a multi-millionaire Las Vegas casino mogul and all, and since it was kinda mean of me to fire both Cindy and Doug suddenly at the same time, why don't we just give them and their two snotty kids a little "severance package" - if you know what I mean - wink, wink, nudge, nudge? (giggles)

Pops Ensign: Hehe - well Johnny, looks like I raised a good Republican boy after all. That's a pretty good idea. Lemme' see here now ... how about $96,000? That sounds like a nice round number. There's four of them right? So I can give each of 'em two separate "gifts" of $12,000 and the best part about it is it's a tax write-off!! Weeeeee doggy! We fix your little bimbo problem and make the taxpayers foot the bill to boot! That my son is what I call a smart, robust, conservative business deal!

Sen. Ensign: Oh daddy (sniffling) I love you so much! You're the greatest daddy a son could ever hope for! Oh, but daddy - please don't tell mommy about this - she'll get pretty sore and might not bake me my favorite chili-bean hot dish next time I'm over to visit. You know how much I love mommy's chili-bean hot dish.

Pops Ensign: Don't worry Johnny boy - this one is just between us men. You just let your old pop take care of this little kerfluffle and you yourself get ur butt back there to Washington and keep on pushing through our conservative, Christian, corporate friendly legislative agenda. Because you know Johnny -- what you're doing is God's work son.

And these are the kind of people George W. Bush and Dick Cheney said in 2000 were going to "restore honor and dignity" to the capitol.


Thursday, July 09, 2009

Food? They don't need no stinking food!!

Just when I think a conservative mouthpiece could not possibly utter something more grotesque, more immoral, more evil -- more incredibly fucking stupid than they already have done -- they dig deep down into their (seemingly bottomless) scum filled barrel of "deep thinkers" and come up with yet another sorry excuse for a human being to be a first tier candidate for the most horrible, imbecilic person on the planet.

This one has to be seen and heard to be believed. In the context of discussing one individual's battle with cancer and with the affected individual arguing that elementary health care ought to be a "basic human right", said conserva-creep's response is that not even FOOD is a basic human right. Yes - you heard right -- FOOD! FOOD!! FOOD!!! for Christ's sake! (I the pagan will invoke the name of Christ because it's obvious none of these right-wing Christians know a goddamn thing about his teachings.) Anyhow, it's doubtful this cretin believes water or oxygen might be considered basic human rights either. Actually - to hell with that -- life itself is not a basic human right! How about them apples?? Oh wait -- apples are food -- you can't have any damn you!! IMFAO.

I mean -- why didn't she just say what's really on her mind -- that every human being on the planet, child, women, elderly, disabled -- just plain poor, whom at any point in their miserable life is unable to provide enough food for their own sustenance, ought to be rounded up and unceremoniously herded into gigantic incinerators and cremated to ash where said ash can simply be added to the existing toxic coal ash ponds that pepper America's landscape? Problem solved. And wait! here's the best part -- the burning of their corpses would help solve the energy crisis too by generating additional electricity! Now that's a sound, conservative business proposal if ever there was one.

I gotta tell ya --- my conservative friends think I'm nuts for having the views that I do. But I am convinced that if any of them actually had so much as a pensive, reasonably intellectual clue as to how much their spokespeople like this heartless, buffoonish bitch are ridiculed not only by the majority of the people in this country, but around the world ----- well ----- now that I think about it -- they'd probably cling even more tightly to their fucked up beliefs I suppose.


Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Another classic Fox "News" WTF moment . . .

Watching Fox's morning show Fox & Friends has no human social redeeming value whatsoever. Spending time watching these primordial ooze spawned lizard-brains make complete asses of themselves on a daily basis is equivalent to waking up every morning and immediately and repeatedly smashing yourself in the forehead with a ball-peen hammer.


Tuesday, July 07, 2009

A never ending source of infantile ass-holery . . . Your modern day Republican Party

And this is why the GOP continues to hemorrhage independent and sane Republican voters into the Democratic column. Sen. DeMint get's my vote for Stupidest GOP Fucker of the Month, and it's only July 7th!


Monday, July 06, 2009

Selling America and Americans Down the River

NYT's Frank Rich channels krazee's views about America's festering crooked 'banksters' and Wall Street 'robber barons' problem.

From the "Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in awhile" Files . . .

It's not often I find myself praising a right-winger, but in this instance I just have to make an extraordinary exception.

Joe Scarborough gets the kudos for delivering an absolutely beautiful smack-down of the elitist nonsense that his co-host of "The Morning Joe Show" Mika Brzezinski was spouting in a thunderously vapid rant about how Americans who live out in the hinterlands are so much more better Americans (more patriotic?) than those who live in cities and which is why they connected so well with Sarah Palin.

The pained look on Brzezinski's face as Scarborough back-hands her right in the kisser with the brazenly contradictory but truthful recounting of her own privileged upbringing in Manhattan and Washington D.C. as well as her vacation home in a very wealthy and well-heeled area of Maine was simply fucking priceless. Lol.

Good for you Joe. Now, if you could just pull your head out of your ass about 90% of the other crap you spout on a daily basis, there might be hope for you yet.
